Overview of Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School
Madrasatul Muallimin al-Islamiyah (MMI) Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School ,
is a modern boarding school located in Kampung Pasir Gintung, Jayanti District, Tangerang Regency,
Banten Province. MMI Daar el-Qolam was established on January 20, 1968
by Drs. KH Ahmad Rifa'i Arief on the initiative of his father H. Qasad Mansyur who is also
a community leader in the Pasir Gintung village. The term " Modern Islamic Boarding School "
itself refers to Islamic boarding schools that not only provide classic scripture-based lessons,
but rather an educational place that provides religious education and general education with a modern
approach to education.
In its historical record, the process of education and teaching in Daar el-Qolam began with 22 students
who came from families, close relatives and communities around the pesantren. Now after 48 years on
his journey, Daar el-Qolam has become a modern educational institution with a format of a large
boarding school involving more than 370 teachers and approximately 5,000 students who come from
various parts of Indonesia.
MMI Education System Daar el-Qolam Islamic
Boarding School
The implementation of formal education at Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School is a unit known as
Madrasatul Mu'allimîn Al-Islamiyah (MMI) , which began in 1968 with a 6-year study period for
elementary / MI graduates (for regular programs), while for graduating from junior high school / MTs,
initially MMI offered a 4-year study period, but starting in 2010 MMI also offered a 3-year study period
(intensive program).
The formal education above is an implementation of the mission of the Islamic Boarding School
institution that prepares superior and quality individuals towards the formation of the Khaira ummah
(the best generation) issued to humans. In addition, as a special mission is to prepare cadres of scholars
and leaders of the ummah who are mutafaqqih fi-al-din , both as scientists / academics and
as practitioners and are able to carry out da'wah.
Education at MMI Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School is held by implementing a tiered classroom
system that is divided into academic and semester years. The academic year is divided into 2 (two)
semesters, namely odd semester and even semester, each of which consists of 14 (fourteen) meeting
weeks. Between odd and even semesters, MMI Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School conducts
semester examinations whose objectives and implementation are governed by the rules of the
MMI Boarding Boarding School Daar el-Qolam.
Educational Pathway
The integration of the education system is a distinctive feature of the education system at
MMI Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School. In its application, the system is on two lines,
namely the teaching path and foster line.
1. Teaching pathways (or Teaching Pathways) refer to educational channels that focus on activities
that are able to increase the level and intellectual quality of the Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School
2. The Foster Path (or Parenting Path) focuses on supervising the lives of students in a dormitory
for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The agenda and programs provided by the Daar el-Qolam Islamic
Boarding School are aimed at holding guardianship and care for santri in various aspects, starting
from the ethical aspect ( al-Akhlaq al-Karîmah ), aspects of personality (attitude), attitude,
and behavior.
Teaching Path
Actualization of activities developed in the teaching aspect, carried out in the form of Intracurricular
and Extracurricular activities. The two patterns of these activities are carried out programmed and
guided directly by teaching staff who live 24 hours a day in boarding schools.
Intracurricular activities are teaching-learning processes which are generally carried out in the form
of in-class session programs . In general, the content of the material provided is subject matter that
collaborates between the pesantren curriculum, the curriculum of the Ministry of Religion
(Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Madrasah Aliyah) and the Ministry of National Education
(Middle and High School). With a 6 year education period for elementary school graduates or
equivalent and 3 years for junior high school graduates or equivalent. At the High School level,
there are several options for in-class session programs, namely:
- High School (SMA) with Social Sciences and Science majors (available at Daar el-Qolam 2 and Daar el-Qolam 3);
- Aliyah Madrasah with Social Sciences and Science majors (available at Daar el-Qolam 1 and Daar el-Qolam 4);
- Madrasah Tsanawiyyah (MTs) (available at Daar el-Qolam 1 and Daar el-Qolam 4);
- Junior High School (SMP) (available at Daar el-Qolam 2 and Daar el-Qolam 3).
The following are the group in-class session program :
1. Islamic Study Group (ad-Dirâsah al-Islâmiyah), which includes Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh, Ushl Fiqh,
Musthalah al-Hadîts, Mahfûzhât and Târîkh Islâm (Islamic History).
2. Group of linguistic subjects (ad-Dirâsah al-Lughawiyah), which includes Insya ', Muthala'ah,
Nahwu, Sharaf, and Tamrîn al-Lughah
3. General Subject Group, which covers Citizenship Education, Indonesian Language, English,
2. Group of linguistic subjects (ad-Dirâsah al-Lughawiyah), which includes Insya ', Muthala'ah,
Nahwu, Sharaf, and Tamrîn al-Lughah
3. General Subject Group, which covers Citizenship Education, Indonesian Language, English,
Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, History, Geography, Economics, Sociology, and ICT.
1. Discussion and Scientific Research, in an organization "KIS" - Santri Scientific Group
2. Sports Development, which aims to develop the potential in accordance with the talents and
interests of students, to form participants who are physically and mentally strong and instill
sportsmanship values in sports held at Islamic Boarding Schools. Some of the sports available in
Islamic boarding schools include:
Extracurricular activities are teaching and learning processes carried out in the form of
off-class sessions . This activity seeks to channel and develop the interests and talents of santri in
various fields. A number of extracurricular activities include skills development, scouting, art and sports.
Parenting Path
The agenda and program given to the santri in the aspect of parenting was intended to provide
guidance and development to the santri from the affective (ethical) and psychomotor aspects (the impetus to progress and develop through the talents and abilities of the students). This activity is carried out in the following forms:
- `Ubudiah Ritual Discipline ;
- Daily Life Discipline;
- Leadership Management Education;
- Development of interests and talents.
Educational level
Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School consists of four levels of formal education (according to the Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of National Education), namely: Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Daar el-Qolam; Daar el-Qolam Middle School (SMP); Daar el-Qolam Madrasah Aliyah (MA) and Daar el-Qolam High School (SMU).
There are two levels that can be taken by the students who study in Daar el-Qolam:
6 years education
6 years old (for elementary school / Madrasah Ibtidaiyah graduates) The students who attend the 6-year
level must go through 6 years of education in boarding schools: 3 years in junior secondary education
plus 3 years in senior secondary education. Divisions that provide 6-year education services
3 years education
The 3-year education program, specifically for students graduating from Junior High School (SMP) /
Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), this program emphasizes the high school curriculum with the spirit of
Islamic boarding schools. The division that provides three-year education services is Daar el-Qolam 3 .
The Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School organizes a curriculum that combines the Field of
General Studies (Curriculum made by the Ministry of National Education and Ministry of Religion),
and the Field of Religious Studies (Islamic Boarding School Curriculum) in an integrated system.
The curriculum held at Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School is divided into intracurricular ,
co-curricular and extracurricular curricula .
Extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities are teaching and learning processes carried out in the form of
off-class sessions , although it also involves teachers or coaches. This activity seeks to channel and
develop the interests and talents of santri in various fields. The santri can choose their extracurricular
activities by not ignoring their main duties, namely learning in intracurricular and also cochurricular
activities. The following are some extracurricular activities at Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School:
2. Sports Development, which aims to develop the potential in accordance with the talents and
interests of students, to form participants who are physically and mentally strong and instill
sportsmanship values in sports held at Islamic Boarding Schools. Some of the sports available in
Islamic boarding schools include:
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Sepak takraw
- Badminton
- Ping-pong